Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville: Don't Know Much (Music Video 1989) - IMDb

About the song

Don’t Know Much: A Timeless Duet by Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville

In the realm of popular music, few pairings have achieved the enduring harmony and heartfelt connection as that of Linda Ronstadt and Aaron Neville. Their voices, individually captivating in their own right, blend seamlessly to create a tapestry of musical magic, a testament to the power of shared passion and artistry. Among the gems that adorn their collaborative repertoire, “Don’t Know Much” stands as a beacon of simplicity, honesty, and profound emotional resonance.

Released in 1989, “Don’t Know Much” emerged as a beacon of hope amidst a world grappling with uncertainty and division. Its message, as pure and unadulterated as the voices that carry it, speaks to the universal human desire for connection, understanding, and love. Ronstadt and Neville, two seasoned veterans of the music industry, imbue the song with a depth of feeling that transcends age and cultural barriers, making it an anthem for all who seek solace and inspiration in the shared human experience.

“Don’t Know Much” is a gentle ballad, its melody unassuming yet deeply affecting. The verses, delivered in a conversational style, paint vignettes of everyday life, capturing the essence of human connection in its simplest forms – a shared meal, a warm embrace, a whispered word of affection. The chorus, a soaring declaration of love and devotion, serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of human connection amidst life’s complexities.

Ronstadt and Neville’s vocal interplay is nothing short of masterful. Their voices, each possessing a distinct and captivating timbre, intertwine seamlessly, creating a harmonious blend that is both soothing and invigorating. Ronstadt’s voice, soaring and expressive, imbues the lyrics with an emotional depth that resonates deeply. Neville’s tenor, rich and soulful, provides a grounding force, adding warmth and resonance to the melody. Together, their voices create a tapestry of sound that is both comforting and uplifting.

“Don’t Know Much” is more than just a song; it is a testament to the transformative power of music. It is a reminder that in a world often consumed by noise and discord, there exists a profound beauty in simplicity, honesty, and the shared human experience. Ronstadt and Neville’s voices, imbued with a lifetime of musical wisdom and emotional depth, serve as conduits for this message, offering solace, inspiration, and a reminder of the enduring power of love and connection.



“Don’t Know Much”


Look at this face
I know the years are showing
Look at this life
I still don’t know where it’s going

I don’t know much
But I know I love you
And that may be all I need to know

Look at these eyes
They’ve never seen what mattered
Look at these dreams
So beaten and so battered

I don’t know much
But I know I love you
That may be all I need to know

So many questions still left unanswered
So much I’ve never broken through

And when I feel you near me
Sometimes I see so clearly
The only truth I’ve ever known is me and you

Look at this man
So blessed with inspiration
Look at this soul
Still searching for salvation

I don’t know much
But I know I love you
And that may be all I need to know

I don’t know much
But I know I love you
That may be all I need to know

I don’t know much
But I know I love you
That may be all there is to know

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